Dance As Therapy

After a long day of work or school, most people of course would either check their phones, watch TV to check out that new Netflix episode, or check whats trending on the news. It seems as though the problems of the world just fade away when we take part in these simple mindless activities. You would be surprised to know though that deep inside people can still struggle and are just using these as coping mechanisms for very personal issues, specifically anxiety problems.

It's a feeling thats eats people up on the inside during important situations like when you were giving an impromptu speech, getting an interview, or doing something daring such as skydiving.

For me personally, I have discovered an amazing form of therapy for controlling my anxiety and that has been through dance. Before I started dancing though, I'll be honest I danced as a hobby and was honestly frightened to the thought of being able to perform in public because performing on stage in front of your peers really does give your anxiety a big spike. However, the reality is that the payoff and the feeling you get in the end is unequal. You feel just as amazing as if you were skydiving. I'm not telling you to learn a cool dance move and perform it in front of your friends on a stage. I'm saying that dance can be a great form of expression to channel how we feel, or to just plain look cool. In summary, I was able to channel my anxiety of performing into an art of dance and that felt amazing.

I did remember to always remind myself to not worry about things I cannot control such as if people are judging me in their head. I always remember not to worry or become anxious because they're not the ones performing on stage its you, the brave one!

Using dance as therapy is a lot easier than you would think. The first step is to get some music going and to start just moving to the music or feeling/grooving your way. You can even dance with no music I've seen this before and it's actually more entertaining and enjoyable than you would think. Just have fun with it, maybe you saw a cool dance move on Youtube or Instagram, just give it a try. Even a small try at a move is a a great way to get your mind and heart pumping to help you forget your anxiety and increase your confidence and happiness levels. These effects are brought up because dance can be a form of cardio. It channels power from the mind and body. Our mind imagines and our body executes to the best of its ability. This is one of the most amazing parts about being human. Our brains are like extremely advanced super computers. Take advantage of these connections and create some cool moments. You can even do this in your room if it gives you anxiety to dance around people.

Benefits that come with dancing include confidence, creativity, and you might even discover a new hobby! Keep dancing and who knows you might work up the confidence to perform on stage one day or become a choreographer yourself. It's totally fine to dance solo too; I find thats when I'm most creative.


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