How To Be Creative

Hey everyone, so this summer I wanted to channel a lot more of my right brain (the creative side). As a graduate student, I noticed I used my left brain for majority of the year including my tasks to mechanically memorize large volumes of information. I later realized that this was a bad idea because it limited the types of innovative solutions I could have came up with if I had just trusted my right brain too.

I watched a couple youtube videos to search for ways to be creative that I didn't need to buy a lot of art supplies. It would be as simple as pick up and play, which is kind of how I enjoy my video games. I wanted my creative process to be simple though so that I wouldn't experience too much friction when I jumped into the process. I drew inspiration first by looking at my old youtube accounts where I expressed myself. I used to create Lego videos and act out voices. I also used to dance, kind of, still improving on this, but these are all still creative pursuits. I noticed on my Lego video account though that I had created a vlog which was just about lifeless with challenges that no one took up or probably even read. So I thought, what if I could create something new and make it look more lively.

From there, I created this blog! It has been a great medium for me to express my thoughts. I drew a lot of inspiration for it from famous Youtubers such as Thomas Frank and Ali Abdaal. It has been a great way for me to express my creative thought process this summer since I had a lot of free time.

After, I started listening to a lot of podcasts specifically the CIG podcast with Thomas Frank and his best friend Martin Boehme. The show truly blew my mind and it was amazing to grow closer to these two individuals by listening to all their episodes. I decided later that I wanted to create my own podcast because I noticed Thomas started the CIG podcast when he was about to graduate from college. I'm currently not done with college and still in school so I jumped to the opportunity and started my own. I took his course on Skillshare too which is amazing I would highly recommend it. I am still experimenting with the website though so I'm not completely recommending using that site yet.

In the future, I would probably consider making a website as my own personal portfolio or to share my thoughts. You may probably consider this too as a creative pursuit.

The right brain is like a muscle and just like every other muscle in our bodies we have to try and flex it or excercise it so it can be maintainer, grow stronger, or at least still be used in general. I would highly recommend to anyone who studies a lot to try using their right brain to solve some problems. You may never know what types of innovative solutions may occur.

Stay Awesome and Creative!


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