The Connection between FOMO and Jealousy and 8 Solutions for them!

A lot of people wouldn't believe it but many of people struggle with being content with being present with where they're at right now. A lot of the reasons for getting the Fear of Missing Out (FOMO) and jealousy ties back to our fears with facing ourselves. It is the fears of being alone and facing ourselves that leads us to face these problems. In this article, I outline some solutions that could hopefully help you get over your moments of FOMO and jealousy.

The Connection:

  • Loneliness
    • It can be difficult to tell especially when you're so focused on accomplishing your goals but it happens to everyone who at least owns a phone or has friends at some point. Looking at how amazing other people's lives are and constantly wanting more and more leads to feelings of loneliness. If you don't make your joy internal and place your happiness on external factors such as the accompaniment of many friends or the thrill of posting on social media, you will never feel satisfied and always have this feeling when you're by yourself so it's important to recognize these moments, accept them and make changes to your lifestyle no matter how stressed you are. I find that similar to keeping up with the Joneses, checking Instagram has had a similar effect on me where I used to find so much joy from watching the lives of others but I was ultimately not happy.
  • Burn out
    • School, work, chores, they all add up at some point so it's important to make time for damage control. I could say cliches like plan out your schedule ahead, but I'm going to suggest for you to take time out to just be with yourself for an hour or two. Just being present with yourself and recognizing all the things you love about yourself or feeling gratitude for the things you already have.
  • Social Media
    • If it steals your attention from the things that matter in front of you or cause you to feel jealous of other people or not feel satisfied with what you have right now. Then, delete it or remove it from your phone or life immediately. Your time is too precious to be spent doing or feeling in certain ways that aren't bringing more value and joy in your life or aren't pushing you more towards the person you want to be.
  • Toxic people
    • These people ensure you get FOMO fast because they will make you feel unsatisfied with the person you are and will get you to constantly seek that external validation that is never satisfiable.
  • Remaining Stagnant
    • Knowing you are jealous or have FOMO and not doing anything to try to resolve it so you can refocus on your work is one of the worst things you can do. If you are reading this article then you are definitely making progress towards solving your issue at least.
  • Comfort Zone Misconception
    • Not challenging yourself is another path back to being stagnant it's important to still try new things as long as you know that it will add more value to your life instead of bringing you down or making you feel like you are wasting your time. Keep experimenting with new ways constantly to find solutions to your problems.
Below I listed some big tips to help you crush any feelings of jealousy and get back to your goals!


  1. Work on a hobby
  2. Create
    • Start a blog or make music. Do something that isn't just regular consumption or what you normally do on a regular day of school or work.
  3. Exercise
    • This is key to maintaining your health and spills over into every emotion. 
  4. Listen to music
  5. Call a friend or family member and talk about your week or your day
    • Talking to someone who cares deeply about you can add more value to your life than you would think!
  6. Get your schedule in order to make time for the moments that matter
    • Make time for damage control and checking those emails that have been piling up.
  7. Buy a piece of tech/clothing/gear to keep your focus on yourself
    • Treat yourself to become your best self.
  8. Watch Self-Improvement videos
    • If you are going to consume content at least make it content that pushes you more towards the person you want to become!
I hope this article helps you! The new school year is still just starting and I know it can be difficult to focus on what truly matters but if you try some of these tips, I'm sure you will be able to find a bit more joy in your daily life, classes, or job!


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