5 Ways to Build A Spiritual Life

With the constant busyness of every day life, it can feel like everything must be outwardly focused and there is nothing that needs to be satisfied within. However, the idea of spirituality can vary from person to person or from different people. For me, maintaining a form of spiritual lifestyle keeps me satisfied and fulfilled with a feeling like everything will be okay and the world has my back. If you see yourself as someone who could use some religious advice, this article is for you. Here are my tips to building a spiritual life.

1. Meditate/Kindness (Easiest to build)

  • Looking for inner satisfaction, at least with yourself, meditation is a great way to accomplish this. On a regular basis, I find myself having the most fluent workflow when my mind is clear and focused. To make getting into this state easier, I would recommend taking a shower or brushing your teeth to get your mind centered back on yourself. Warning, do not try to meditate when in bed it may decrease chances of focus and you will be more likely to fall asleep. In terms of the spiritual connection, being centered in your mind makes it easier to clear your mind towards your spiritual feelings.

2. Go to a church

  • Despite, your religious preferences if you participate in any way at all on a weekly basis it will be easier to incorporate some form of spiritual routine into your life. If you at least have this built up, then you won't have to worry too much about trying too hard to create a spiritual life.

3. Practice praying on your own

  • A spiritual life is born from within and it most likely will start at home. Consider, stopping at any point in your day to just pass on your hopes to the spiritual world. Throwing your thoughts in the air and having a sort of trust or faith will take you farther than you think. Personally, on my most difficult moments I try to pray for strength or for the future to be better. This is also the easiest to pick up and can be done from anywhere.

4. Forgive anyone who has wronged you

  • A part of being spiritually balanced is removing any wrong feelings that you may be holding on to. As stated for the longest time, forgive those who have wronged you and move on from past feelings of hurt. Holding on to old baggage is useless, you want to put things in your life that will move you forward.
5. Incorporate a hobby or talent to make the process enjoyable
  • For me, I realized that I feel more connected to people in my religious community when I volunteer my time and talents to further the growth of not only myself but everyone around me. I enjoy singing at my church's youth choir which allows me to use my voice to serve my church and possibly encourage the audience to be more engaged. There are a lot of other ways to even be more involved in your spiritual community besides donating money. An example of this can also be altar serving, ministering, or even recruiting others to join you.

Bonus: Plan for future religious activities to grow in your faith

  • This activity can turn out more enjoyable than it sounds. Spending time with friends who also want to grow in their spiritual journey is a great way to become a more well rounded individual in any area of interest.

I hope you found something helpful here and I wish you the best of luck on your spiritual journey. Please subscribe if you find these blog posts helpful!


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