5 Steps To Creating More Youtube Videos
My original plans to stay active on Youtube have not worked on numerous occasions. I constantly find myself losing time for creating videos due to school and life in general, but I've grown tired of making the same excuses so in this post I will be sharing some of the strategies I will be using to stay active. With the coronavirus cancelling schools and jobs, this could not be even more relevant for people looking to find time to create content.
- Just 15 Minutes
- I realized that I don't always feel comfortable with giving up 30 minutes or even an hour to try to put a video together in a day so I try to do only 15 minutes to at least get started. I don't stop during those 15 minutes I make sure the time is constantly filled with action steps which can include planning out the video and any concepts I want to cover.
- If this plan fails, I try again for 15 minutes tomorrow.
- Use it as a Study Break
- The best use of free time is "creation time." I see life as a world that has millions to consume but not many to create because the latter is more enjoyable. I noticed I spend a good amount of my time watching Youtube videos and had the idea of creating helpful and enjoyable content for others too. It doesn't have to be extravagant probably sharing a short highlight of my day may spark some interest in others. If I could use my time in this world wisely, I think I would rather spend it seeking to help and share my gifts with others.
- Journal/Draft
- Feeling like your in a creative rut or feeling that powerful sense of resistance setting in, I found this feeling more surmountable when journaling my thoughts to help me understand where my mind is at the moment and move forward from there. I try my best to constantly improve each day with the content I try to put out too. Drafting video ideas in your notes can also help simplify your life and reduce resistance. You don't need to have the most well thought out ideas; you just need to jot them down somewhere for the days when you have a clear headspace.
- Create A System
- Personally, I use Habitica when it comes to logging streaks but any habit tracker would most likely work. Set up a habit for "15 minutes of Youtube Creation" and you will find yourself slowly making progress as you constantly tick off that habit each day. The best part is you'll feel a great sense of relief for at least trying to make progress in your day. As the saying goes, everyone is a beginner when they first start out and no one becomes as strong at The Rock in one day. Keep trying and don't give up!
- Restart
- If all attempts fail which has happened for me on numerous occasions, understand that it's okay to take a step back and wait for a long break to try again. Realize that sometimes your priorities such as family, work, and school can sometimes be more important and take all the time you had planned to produce content. Don't take it too seriously, plan, revise, and try again when you are ready. Keep the fire going and this time refine your systems once again. Create a streak for everyday you complete that 15 minutes of Youtube video creation and reward yourself.
In conclusion, creating content definitely has more resistance to start compared to consuming content but if you are able to overcome that barrier you will find yourself ready to take on anything. The best part is that you will establish a sense of grit and discipline to accomplish just about anything you try to set your mind to. I hope you find something helpful here and feel free to subscribe to my Youtube channel if you enjoy this article as I will try to implement this into my life in the coming days.
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