Coronavirus POV Journal

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In this blog post, I will be consistently updating it as the coronavirus continues to get worse and will be sharing my thoughts and some of the things that have been changing in the environment around me during these pressing times.

As a student, one of the first few changes that has happened is the switch to online classes now including all our hands on coursework which is a bit disappointing because I won't be able to see some of my professors and classmates for a long while. The library that I usually study in has now cut hours and we would need a valid school ID to enter. This measure was placed in order to prevent people from the public entering the library and spreading it to other employees and students. Restaurants have closed and people are now only accepting takeout. Whenever I receive communication from my family and friends it is usually about coronavirus.

On a personal level, all of these things have definitely struck a lot of fear in me. When I'm at home with my roommates, just a cough or sneeze can trigger fear in myself. When I feel a cough coming on I end up fearing for my life. These are definitely challenging times but I'm still doing my best to stay positive. I was hoping on getting a lot of school work done over this spring break but with this virus spreading and killing many each day, staying inside feels like the safest option. Going to the gym has even made me nervous because my friends tell me it is one of the easiest places to pick up the virus. Keeping a positive mindset despite all of these challenges. I know the world will emerge stronger at the end of this. Praying constantly that things will one day get better.


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