Ode to Improving Everyday

Each day is an opportunity a chance to create something new in our lives that didn't exist there the day before. In this post/ode, I want to dive into ideas, analogies and plans to help you strive toward your goals and constantly improve despite lack of will power or challenging days.

Reading books makes me feel more energized and creative. If I'm able to make that process even easier by using a stand I'm more likely to read books. If I switch from hard cover to e-books wherever I go I'm more likely to read my books because they will always be available. Making your chances of improvement easily accessible each day will increase your chances of improvement.

If you wake up in the morning, thinking negative thoughts, are you improving? Surprisingly, yes, when you wake up you deal with some of your deepest and innermost thoughts as strange as this may sound. Rationalizing with those morning thoughts finding the positive and lessons from these thoughts will allow us to progress forward in life. Don't hold onto the past, if we keep looking at the past, our mind will reshape it to make it seem as though those times were the best moments in life. It would seem as though no other moment had led to the most happiness but then. However, if you actually did go back in time you would notice all the negatives and your former self would probably envy your successes and the person you have become today. Don't fear progress and keep trying to improve.

Fear of moving forward, never be afraid to get out of your comfort zone. As humans with endless skillsets to be learned and opportunities in front of our eyes. Taking risks is the most important piece in the puzzle. You will find yourself excelling towards success! Don't let failing at any step along the way hold you back. Keep improving. When you buy a video game at a store, you wouldn't throw away the game after you lose in a level. No, you would keep trying until you reach a certain level or make progress higher than you did in the beginning. Some people may seem like they're excelling but that is only the surface level, you don't see the mistakes so focus on only yourself and your progress in this world. Level up!

I look not on the defeated and say it's over. I say, you have a choice in the limbo: to give up, stay still, or keep moving forward. You must keep deciding trudging through the most difficult days making the biggest decisions that gets the ball moving. Planting the most beautiful seeds to grow the most bountiful fruits. Earn your wealth, even the planter can learn more skills to grow the best crops so that when harvest season comes you reap the best and worst. May you learn from both and constantly improve.

This post is a lot different from my previous posts because it is more in the style of a poem.


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