Letting Go of Someone

After seeing this girl I never even dated fall in love with another guy and constantly spend time with him, I have learned the value of waking up and re-evaluating the reasons why I fell in love with this person in the first place. This is me sharing my story of lost love and waking up to reality.

I kept hearing stories for a while and even saw it with my own eyes. The girl I had loved hanging out with another guy. My heart broke the first day, but I realized that was my wake up call. I realized I was about to make a big mistake falling in love with the wrong girl. A girl who can care less about me in all honesty. I was about to throw everything away my thoughts, my happiness, and my time for a girl who even told me she straight up doesn't like me when we were younger. What a waste of time. All the times I could have been enjoying myself there she was, stealing my happiness. For any guy who may be in a similar solution, I want to tell you how I am dealt with my situation and hopefully you won't get caught in a similar scenario.


  1. Screw the rumors
    • No matter what stories people told me about her hanging out with another guy. I don't let it affect me. I show acceptance and peace with myself for who I am. I don't indulge in drama, I don't let it affect my night. I sleep well at night knowing that I didn't do anything to hurt anyone.
  2. Behave normally
    • I don't let her actions or any feelings of loneliness affect my work in school or at work. I act like the person has not affected me and reframe my focus constantly towards myself. I live a happy life when I'm alone.
  3. Meditate, Write, Journal
    • The worst feeling is when I study by myself and she crosses my mind. I always remember to reframe my thoughts and examine my current mindset to remember to get my head out of the gutter. If this method does not succeed, I write/journal my thoughts which I find to be an excellent method to establish a clear mind. My goal with this is to ensure I prime my mind to be efficient for the study session ahead.
  4. Say Hi
    • If she crosses my path, I do not avoid her or act like something is wrong. I acknowledge her presence and seek no further connection. I do not hold a smile or initiate a conversation. I remember that I am above all drama and refuse to express any feelings for someone ready to unleash drama into my life.
  5. Dance
    • Just because someone has hurt me doesn't mean I give up my hobbies, I engage in what I love and constantly do my best to excel at the things I love and my passions
  6. Chase Goals, Not Girls
    • I re-examine where I'm allocating my time and ensure that majority of it is spent accomplishing my goals whether that be through self-improvement or meditation. I do not chase more girls to solve the problem of losing a girl. The mind has a dopamine circuit and to rewire that framework you must replace it with more enjoyable and worthwhile activities. My goals exceed any feelings of attraction for any girls. My heroes are what I strive to be more like each day.
Thanks for hearing me out and I hope if these thoughts help anyone out there that they don't give up hope and that the right person will come one day, at the right time, and most likely during the time when you stop searching and start living more. Be the best version of you each day and people will eventually recognize that!


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