"Parasite" Movie Review
I am not someone who usually watches scary movies, but I made an exception for this one because I was having a going away party for a friend and in these coronavirus times, it is more important than ever to make time for friends and loved ones. The movie immediately caught my attention even though I don't really watch Korean movies or enjoy much movies where I spend time reading English subtitles.
From the beginning, I found the characters relatable from their poor beginnings and was still curious where the word "parasite" came from. Once I soon discovered that this smart family had conned another for money and resources the answer became clear that this movie was something genius! I couldn't keep my eyes away as suspense and drama slowly built up in the story.
As someone who has mainly become acquainted with Korean culture through, Korean pop music, dramas, and dance videos. It was a treat to know that they are making it big in the movie industry. I won't judge a title by its cover. It is definitely a great movie to watch with friends.
Some personal lessons I took away from the movie are to stay humble because the world will eat you up if you lose your mind and forget where you started. You slowly notice the family become arrogant and start trash talking people behind their back as if they had finally made it in life. The reality was that they hadn't, they just lied and conned their way out of the basement just to end up in a worse condition than when they started. A big one is don't lie or don't cheat. The movie shows that over time a lie can progress into a big fat one that can only be kept for so long before the truth starts revealing itself and things hidden in the darkness don't always look great in the light. There are a lot of dark characters in the movie too including the rich family. Just because you are rich, doesn't mean you should treat others with disrespect or trash talk them behind their back. The rich family is eventually shown paying for these long time treacheries. A major theme in the movie is also "running away" from just about everything. Running from poverty, police, social life, and most importantly the truth. If we spend our time constantly running, we won't be able to find ourselves growing because it would be similar to digging a hole until it is so deep it is impossible to see the light or escape. The solution: if we are going to run we should do it in the right direction, one with truth and honesty not like a dirty parasite that honestly no one likes. When I think of a parasite, I think a mosquito or a virus that just takes over a host, robbing it of the thing that should be valued the most which is life. We should seek to build the most value in our lives and others instead of sucking the life out of them like some fantasized vampire.
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From the beginning, I found the characters relatable from their poor beginnings and was still curious where the word "parasite" came from. Once I soon discovered that this smart family had conned another for money and resources the answer became clear that this movie was something genius! I couldn't keep my eyes away as suspense and drama slowly built up in the story.
As someone who has mainly become acquainted with Korean culture through, Korean pop music, dramas, and dance videos. It was a treat to know that they are making it big in the movie industry. I won't judge a title by its cover. It is definitely a great movie to watch with friends.
Some personal lessons I took away from the movie are to stay humble because the world will eat you up if you lose your mind and forget where you started. You slowly notice the family become arrogant and start trash talking people behind their back as if they had finally made it in life. The reality was that they hadn't, they just lied and conned their way out of the basement just to end up in a worse condition than when they started. A big one is don't lie or don't cheat. The movie shows that over time a lie can progress into a big fat one that can only be kept for so long before the truth starts revealing itself and things hidden in the darkness don't always look great in the light. There are a lot of dark characters in the movie too including the rich family. Just because you are rich, doesn't mean you should treat others with disrespect or trash talk them behind their back. The rich family is eventually shown paying for these long time treacheries. A major theme in the movie is also "running away" from just about everything. Running from poverty, police, social life, and most importantly the truth. If we spend our time constantly running, we won't be able to find ourselves growing because it would be similar to digging a hole until it is so deep it is impossible to see the light or escape. The solution: if we are going to run we should do it in the right direction, one with truth and honesty not like a dirty parasite that honestly no one likes. When I think of a parasite, I think a mosquito or a virus that just takes over a host, robbing it of the thing that should be valued the most which is life. We should seek to build the most value in our lives and others instead of sucking the life out of them like some fantasized vampire.
I hope you find something helpful here. Please consider subscribing as I do my best to blog on a regular basis.

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