Why You Should Get A Fitness Watch

In a world where the 9-5 causes millions to sit for the whole day, I have found it significantly important to find ways to remember to get my body moving. As the saying goes, more movement means a happier life and more creative ideas! Below are some tips and benefits I have found from getting a fitness watch. Preferably, I usually opt for a Garmin, Fitbit, etc. over the expensive Apple Watches or Samsung watches because the amount of information and notifications those devices provide are very similar to phones.

1. Reminders To Walk

  • My favorite part about owning a fitness watch is knowing that I'm constantly making progress towards better health and knowing when I'm being sedentary for too long. Rewarding good habits such as getting up for a walk instead of sitting down has been a great reminder to keep moving.

2. Music capabilities

  • The only and main reason I remember originally buying my first new fitness watch was for music controls while I exercise. These are still features I take advantage of with every workout.

3. Less distractions

  • As long as you don't invest in an expensive Apple Watch or at least turn off unnecessary notifications that you can possibly see on your phone. You will notice that you start to pick up your phone less and focus more on only the time, your music, or the world around you. I wouldn't trade these features for another phone which most smart watches are trying to do these days which removes from the simplicity of just owning a watch.

4. Tracking your fitness

  • Your watch will most likely sync with your phone to log your progress so each day you will know how you've been doing during the week in terms of reaching your goals or any improvements that may need to be made.

5.  Motivational

  • Owning a fitness watch has become a motivation at least for me to constantly stay active. It is similar to an investment except this investment is for your health and benefit. 
I hope you found something helpful here and may consider buying a fitness watch in the future to help you reach your fitness goals!


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