Benefits of Moving

Recently, I spent the whole day literally moving out of my current home and into a new and refurbished one due to the spread of coronavirus. I initially disliked the idea of moving and carrying all of my items to a new place. It literally took up the whole day of packing and moving. I fell off schedule for my plans for the day and even found myself feeling tired and slightly lonely by the end of it because I was packing up by myself. I couldn't see the positive to any of this honestly. However, by the end of the day I had changed my mind.

My old home was much bigger and my new one was much smaller and much more simplified. I used to live with roommates before coronavirus happened but ended up having the place to myself. After finally moving, I realized the place I now have is much more suited to myself because I am now essentially starting from scratch and redesigning my home to match my own personal needs. It feels like I'm redecorating a new home in Animal Crossing or when you have so much items to redecorate a newly bought home all to yourself. The hard work of moving truly was worth it at the end of the day.

I'm glad I ended up moving because it helped me expand my horizons essentially. During the moving process, I found items in my home I never even knew existed and got to throw away a lot of old items or useless items that belonged to my previous roommates, since I knew it wouldn't benefit me to move into my new home with useless old items: hoarding is not part of the plan.

Now, I'm finally moved surrounded by endless possibilities around me and I'm nothing but excited to get started. I think the Animal Crossing decorating vibes is somewhat having an effect on me but it doesn't matter because this is one of the best parts of life which is starting a new chapter. Moving to a new home during these times shouldn't be feared but instead be looked at with signs of hope and another opportunity to restart your own life. Kind of similar to pressing the reset button on the game console or unlocking a new home in grand theft auto. The best part is you get to keep all the items you truly value and get rid of the junk that was holding you back in the beginning! These thoughts have brought the most benefit to me during this move.

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