Ignorance Is Bliss

Personally, I see myself as someone who takes on a lot more than he can chew. This stemmed from having such an active highscool and college career being involved in multiple organizations and always trying my best in everything at school. All of this seemed to have an effect on me as I grew. The problem was that I could not control where my focus is going. My mind always kept wandering towards novelty to solve its problems or learning a new skill. In quarantine, this has become even more challenging.

I realized the news has been nothing but negative these days with talks of riots and COVID-19. It can feel easy to just let our minds wander and get lost in an endless rabbit hole of information. However, I realized that things needed to change. I wanted to narrow my vision so I can focus on one specific task for an extended period of time. This is a skill that is more important now than ever with the increasing number of distractions growing in the world today. So your probably wondering how do you practice ignorance then?

First, you start by making a list of your priorities and everything you do on a daily basis. Once you start logging this information you will notice multiple discrepancies between what you planned to be your main focus for the day and what you actually did today. Imagine if you could wipe out your entire schedule for the day and have only one task on their to complete. That is what a schedule marked by ignorance looks like, but it is still not complete. Once you have the one task you want to accomplish for the day, you must break it down to smaller chunks and spread that out. This will reduce chances of burnout. Follow these steps and you'll be sure to experience some of the benefits of ignorance.

Benefits of ignorance can include decreased worries, more time for yourself, and more free time eventually opening up. It gives a strong sense of fulfillment when a person takes on a big challenge for the day and succeeds. In a world where everyone is constantly moving fast. It is more important than ever to find ways to pace yourself and not get caught up in what looks like a revolution of productivity. It is important to focus on your strengths too from time to time. Cultivating your current skills can take you to great places too. You'll never know how far you can get in life by just doing the 1% especially once you've simplified the task down. I'm quoting a bit of James Clear there. A good book recommendation of his would be Atomic Habits for sure!

Hope you find something helpful here. If you did, please consider subscribing with your email. I do my best to publish blogposts on a daily basis.


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