Just Show Up

Going to our daily routines can feel very enjoyable in the beginning. The thrill of trying something new or even learning a new skill. However, what about those moments that we just don't feel like it? You know, those days when it feels just plain more enjoyable to lay down on the couch and do nothing. If you're someone like myself, you really don't like the idea of doing nothing and absolutely enjoy the feeling of knowing that you're actually making progress on something.

I noticed that when I at least show up to my online lecture via Zoom. I feel like I'm making some sort of progress. It shows discipline and I can still be chilling on the couch during this time as well. Showing up to things that add value to us may seem difficult at first but once you begin there is no stopping you from considering to continue on. A lot of people call that the flow state.

If you want to achieve progress in any sort of context, it begins by first deciding that you will show up. You will show up to the library to read that book or you will start that Youtube channel and upload weekly even though no one may be watching. The reality is the beginning is always the hardest part of the journey and you will never know when your big break may be.

Personally, I'm someone who initially doesn't want to put a lot of effort into my tasks before I start seeing progress. To continue this trend, I make sure to devote only a small amount of my time initially. If I see no progress at the start, I do my best not to stop. I may not try again tomorrow but that doesn't mean I won't try again next week. When it comes to trying to shoot towards a goal, you are essentially shooting towards a target you honestly can't really see. That is exactly why you need to keep showing up because one day you will stumble upon a path towards some sort of success. Everyone has a beginning story that doesn't look very nice so don't expect to have the most glamorous start. Expect, feelings of wanting to give up or wanting to switch jobs before you realize you're where you need to be or before you realize that each step you took brought you a lot of progress. This is the value of showing up.

A similar Nike phrase: "Just Do It." It is very similar to showing up but the reality is showing up to something you know will pay off is better than just doing something. You could be doing something but what if its the wrong thing. Likewise, you could be showing up for the wrong things too. Therefore, it is part of the experience of life to shoot our shot and continue to persist with discipline towards a goal that may or may not be real. Keep continuing, but still remain adventurous. Keep your hobbies and don't give up on yourself along your journey. This is the beauty of life and there is beauty in showing up for each second of it.

I hope you find something helpful here.


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