What I Learned About Life From Watching "Codename: Kids Next Door (KND)"

The Kids Next Door (KND) is an early 2000s Cartoon Network TV show that was based on the idea of kids with their endless creativity teaming up with their friends to fight off their enemies who were regularly adults. I know this concept seems a bit convoluted but it actually is a lot more understandable than it sounds. KND only fights evil adults that treat others badly because not all adults are bad and not all teenagers are bad either; it is the acts of unfair treatment or cheating that causes this team of operatives to spring into action and save others, specifically kids. They are similar to the Men In Black or the James Bond for children giving them a voice when no one could at their age.

When I was a kid, this show had an amazing impact on me! I couldn't believe how awesome kids were creating amazing tree houses full of all kinds of amazing technology. In modern times, things have only gotten better as kids are becoming even more creative through social platforms such as Tiktok. The show taught me that kids are way smarter than they think and are living some of the best years of their lives initially not having to worry about problems that arise from growing up such as getting a job or starting a family. This explains why I had a very laid back childhood as a kid thinking that all I wanted to do at the time was play video games all day. Of course, I soon learned that this show was encouraging me to realize that not all things kids do is very healthy such as eating a lot of junk food or avoiding taking care of our hygiene such as our teeth. No show is perfect and neither is this one.

Lately, I have stumbled upon the show since it is final exams week and I needed a way to destress. The show came to my mind and I was wondering what happened to these kids at the end. Obviously, at this point in our lives the KND have grown up to become great adults with full memory of their past KND lives as was shown in the last episode. Looking at things from this perspective, I was enthralled by the idea that we were once cool operatives as kids who got our memories wiped! I think this idea is gold because I couldn't remember much of the journeys of these kids. Watching the show again as an adult in graduate school filled my mind with laughs and joys. Kids really do have a bright glow to them!

These days, kids are viewed in not that great of a light in TV shows. Most anime I watch mainly depict kids as annoying so I immediately dismiss them and most reality TV shows rarely show kids. Less kids these days are even shown in movies doing amazing things. However, since the audience is considered adults now this would all make sense because all of us have grown up since the early 2000s.

I started rewatching episodes and had no regrets because they made me feel like a kid again. I remember coming home after a long day of school to watch this show! The writing is just so creative and over exaggerated. I'm still so surprised that an adult (Mr. Warburton) had written the show. This taught me that no matter how old we grow our creativity will always remain with us. We should not be afraid to grow up but rather embrace it with open arms because we are growing into a better version of ourselves. I'm not afraid to be myself or become better each day and that is what the creators of this show have taught me.

Human beings are more creative than we think. As we grow up, ideas start growing endlessly. The goal is to capitalize on these ideas by jotting them down and adding onto them later in life. In an interview with Mr. Warburton, it showed that he really capitalized on this. Creating drawings each day and watching them grow into something amazing. I used to draw as a kid too because of all these shows I watched as a kid. I wouldn't take those memories back for anything. I even sold one of my drawings of Sonic once as a kid which was a huge achievement for me!

The show taught me that even though we grow older, we still end up living some of the best years of our lives as adults. On the last episode, it is shown that the KND end up getting married and still end up doing cool things in life and even acting as secret operatives for the organization further escalating the show as number 1 ends up in the Galactic KND. It is never too late to do amazing things and we can only keep getting better as long as we consistently work on our craft.

My favorite character as a kid was number 4. As a kid, I saw this little rough house someone I wanted to be as cool as. He solved his problems with his barehands although he did have a bit of a bad temper which is seen in most kids these days so the portrayal is as real as it gets. He did have to try to compensate for a literacy problem compared to his other teammates but this Wallaby was still the coolest and toughest to me. I found his crush on number 3 (Kuki) to be so adorably amusing seeing a girl show so much affection to this little boy. As a grown up now, I realized they had gotten married which blew my mind and the fact that number 4 ended up going to Harvard and becoming a doctor blew my mind even more too because people would make fun of him because of his childish character when he was young. It really is an optimistic thought: humans can be amazing kids and even more amazing as adults!

In its entirety, the show brought me a lot of happiness and ended on a good note. I really didn't appreciate these lessons the show was teaching me when I was younger because I just viewed it on an entertainment level when I was younger. As the lesson from the show goes, "even though we grow up promise me you will always be a kid at heart." At the end of the day, we were all once kids and should not deny this side of our past because it was a sign of growth. I sometimes view this younger version of myself and wonder what he would ask me or I'm sure he would be in awe of the person he had grown up to be as an adult. I learned to be thankful for the journey and each step. These days I try to teach myself to love everyday because in the end we truly are living the best years of our lives!

Thanks KND for such an amazing childhood, Kids Next Door Rule!


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