Social Media Is Draining

Just thought I'd share what I've been seeing lately. In a world where we constantly pick up our phones and search for a new rush. The rush has been nothing but dark and hopeless lately. I found myself deeply disappointed in the way the news looks like each day it seems. Nothing is new and nothing good. There's a saying that history likes to repeat itself and it couldn't be more than true in 2020. We find ourselves in a state of fear and pandemic. We stay at home wear masks which are things that surprisingly have happened in the past. Everything is closed and buildings are getting destroyed as if they no longer existed. I mean, is this new, everything was once dust, dirt, and nothing at one point so why not devolve and return it to that I guess. Want to know something new? There's protests and riots going on in 2020 and even better the protests are on racism. New? I should say more like old. There's nothing new about this, I mean pick up any history book you had even as a kid and you'll find similar plights. People are acting out of emotion and fear, we aren't moving places but instead taking a step back. We are fighting a war against something we can't see in these times. We are fighting a virus, an emotion, an act, a non-existent person, and worse our own kind. Will we make any progress because of all this? Who is to say that history won't repeat itself again? No one. There are no answers and no one knows and most frankly don't care. I for one am sick and tired of all this. Media has become dark, so dark to the point that the life we tried to escape to is no longer an escape but a nightmare. I don't want to keep up with the news anymore because it's all over exaggerated or blacked out by movements. The worse part is that the virus is having a feast. Everything right now going on seems like a lose, lose situation. No one wants to give in or fix things anymore. Society just wants to hurt and share that with others. I hurt too, this post is full of hurt.

We need hope and no I don't mean more protests. I mean overarching hope because honestly everything on social media stares back so hopeless I see nothing but black photos on Instagram. What does this show about the future? Well exactly what we're trying to emulate nothing but darkness. The media is darkness. Churches are closed, businesses are closed. People are rallying together with alterior motives which is disgusting. You don't even know who wants change but one thing for sure is that change won't fix this world especially the change that we see on the news. A change this dark. An even better idea lets make celebrities promote things on social media, maybe that will make change more rapid. No, look at the media, look at the news. Actually change my mind don't look at it. Go outside be by yourself. Escape. Escape these thoughts.

I found myself. I found myself with my phone off but my computer on. I sat thinking of what to write but found it easier to be alone and down. The world doesn't need another riot. The world cannot cure people of racism. The world needs not war. The world needs, good people. The world needs, I can't get anymore specific from here. The answer has become so vague. The world needs.......H..ope...Hero...God...Help. The World Needs.


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