4 Steps To Reduce Anxiety On Instagram
One of the most popular apps of our time can easily stir up emotions in even the most indifferent individuals. In terms of anxiety, Instagram can cause you to worry constantly about what others may think of your post or worse the feeling may kick in when you look at the number of likes or views your posts are receiving. How does one cope with the anxiety of posting on the platform. Here are some tips for you below.
1. Watch Your Habits
The moment you open the app, what's the first thing you do? Do you begin scrolling mindlessly or actually post what you were planning? Anxiety can build up easily at moments like these so I found what helps is to just take the easy route and scroll through the post of your followers probably even liking a few and when your ready draft your post.
You don't have to immediately post right when you finish adding your usual filters and captions. I find it helpful to save your post as a draft so you can come back to it later if you feel that anxiety coming on.
2. Stay Grounded
Always remember to just be glad that you had the guts to share your content with others. Remember coronavirus makes everyone worry so don't blame anything on yourself. It's not your fault. It's other peoples fault for taking you for granted. The best part is that you'll soon realize the people who are mad interested in everything you are! Stay humble from there and be thankful that you satisfied some portion of your audience. Remember we can't please everyone.
3. Do Something Else Productive
Your post is up and there's really no reason to delete it at this point. Your friends and social circle may now do what they please, but it is now your decision to control the direction of your life once again. Find fun activities to do to get your mind off the post such as hanging out with friends or do some of your hobbies. For me personally, after a quick post, I enjoy making time to exercise or cook up some nice food to treat myself for making great things.
4. Don't Take Any Likes Seriously
At the end of the day, no matter how many likes your post may get whether it is 2 or 30. Just remember that you mean more than the number of likes on your post. A lot of people hold a grudge against IG for moments like this but the reality is that dissatisfaction and anxiety are all part of the game of using the app. They keep you coming back to see what people may have thought about your post. Once again, you are not in control of what other people think of your posts. At the end of the day, no one cares about how much effort you put into that photo or video and that's okay because once again you can't please everyone.
A quote I remember describing this well, "If you want to please everyone, go sell ice cream." You're worth more in real life than your posts. Keep sharing your amazing content and remember no one else's opinions matter except your own.

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