
How To Laugh More

Lately, I've been enjoying interacting with people on social media. Facebook and Instagram specifically. I enjoy laughing at other people's material and other people making me laugh. I used to feel nervous about online interaction. Don't take life too seriously. I noticed as humans we have the tendency to overthink the smallest of problems and assume the worst. The reality is if things are out of our control there's no point in holding onto those worries any longer. Lighten up and don't be afraid to laugh at yourself once in a while you'll find yourself much happier when you know exactly what you are and what you aren't. If you can see the bright side and funny side to everything you'll be easily able to add more happiness and value to your life. Don't focus on things you can't change and start focusing on what you can. See the good side in everything and stop focusing on the negative. As personally a very serious person and an introvert, I h...

5 Ways To Decrease Online Spending

Lately, I have been obsessing over material possessions consuming rather than creating. It could be because school and life is stressful and I use it as a coping mechanism (which is majority of the time the reason) or I actually want or let me paraphrase "need" those new shoes or play that new video game that was just released on the shelves. Yep, online shopping is a scary addiction and it can also highlight some of the insecurities we have on the inside such as fear of what other people will think of us or a heavy desire to fit in with everyone else. Nevertheless, shopping online is a waste of not only your money but also your time. Luckily, I have compiled some tips to help you break these addictions to get you back both your time and money. Let's start with... 1. Limiting the days you shop online Never shop online when you are studying for a big exam because you will impulse buy because studying is an act that requires enough of your willpower to do in itself and...

How to Stay Healthy in Pharmacy School

I have been a pharmacy student for 2 years now and am about to reach my third year. Through this post, I wanted to share some thoughts to possibly help prospective pharmacy students as they consider or begin transitioning to pharmacy school. These tips will help you on a personal level so that when it comes to your external course load you will not feel too overwhelmed and still take care of yourself and live a healthy life. Monitor your unhealthy addictions. If you are coming into pharmacy school with any sort of unhealthy addictions such as sleeping late, caffeine overdose, procrastination, relationship issues, Netflix binging, or gaming addiction I can definitely say you are doing yourself a disservice. Pharmacy school is stressful enough and adding on previous unhealthy behaviors can be detrimental to your success. Keep it simple. You don't have to buy the most expensive house or school supplies to feel satisfied in pharmacy school. In fact, learning to spend only on ...

6 Ways to Overcome Fear of Posting on Instagram

As an introvert, I personally find myself a bit down when I post a photo on Instagram. My mindset is this, when I upload a photo, I am essentially putting myself out there to be judged by others. By that I mean, they will judge my photo, how I look, and the post. I never really liked that idea of putting myself up on a pedestal to be judged and praying for the likes and acceptance of others. Because isn't that the main reward, feeling liked or accepted by others. I honestly could care less about what other people think about me but Instagram just makes me feel so insecure about all of this. Last summer, I posted a video of myself dancing for an event and I was honestly extremely nervous putting myself out there as someone who dances. I still face a certain sense of fear of this until now. Instagram makes me feel very insecure when I post things. It feels so much easier and safer to be on the other side of just liking and scrolling because no one will care if you do that but they ...

5 Ways to Build A Spiritual Life

With the constant busyness of every day life, it can feel like everything must be outwardly focused and there is nothing that needs to be satisfied within. However, the idea of spirituality can vary from person to person or from different people. For me, maintaining a form of spiritual lifestyle keeps me satisfied and fulfilled with a feeling like everything will be okay and the world has my back. If you see yourself as someone who could use some religious advice, this article is for you. Here are my tips to building a spiritual life. 1. Meditate/Kindness (Easiest to build) Looking for inner satisfaction, at least with yourself, meditation is a great way to accomplish this. On a regular basis, I find myself having the most fluent workflow when my mind is clear and focused. To make getting into this state easier, I would recommend taking a shower or brushing your teeth to get your mind centered back on yourself. Warning, do not try to meditate when in bed it may decrease chances of...

Theory on Narrowing Your Focus With Flashcards

Not a lot of people would understand this but to a certain extent, studying mainly flashcards can actually narrow our focus to a certain degree when studying a large quantity of material. If it feels like material is just not sticking and you have gone over just about everything: the book, slides, guidelines, etc. Then, it would be safe to say brute flashcard memorization would be a helpful key, however, lazily creating flashcards of everything is as helpful as highlighting every line in a book. I'm guilty of this myself tired at the end of the day not wanting to fully understand material and would rather batch all the material into flashcards. The problem with this method is what if everything you are reading is important? How do you differentiate what is important for that test or exam? The solution: you should read and understand first. Seek to understand first, then what cannot be understood can be then memorized. After spending my whole day going over flashcards, I feel as t...

How I Recharged Myself With A Video Game

It was a long morning. One of the longest board meetings took place this morning from 8:30am till close to 12pm (lunch time). I found myself hungry during the meeting with questions testing my willpower and decisions constantly being made. I guess I found myself in a sense of decision fatigue and a daydream of wanting to sneak out of this meeting. During the meeting, I decided to multitask other work on my laptop because the meeting was an online one. Bad idea, I found myself even more tired as more things began to fight for my attention. By the end of this meeting, I believed a nice big lunch would get me fired up to get back to work with a clear mind. To my surprise, I found those acts extremely difficult ending up eating lunch by myself and scrolling through Facebook and Instagram. These were not the activities I had imagined myself doing after the meeting. My head was hurting I felt like I needed a nap. I laid in bed in my room wanting to rest but thoughts kept entering my head u...

The Days It Feels Like You Have All The Problems In The World

Ever have those days when you're hit by failure after failure, I found myself in this circle quite recently after this past week. I ran for a couple positions for different executive boards and professional organizations ending up constantly getting turned down. The way my mind saw things at the time was it felt like I'm not good enough and people were laughing at me. I remember reading this quote on someone's story on Instagram, "Every storm will eventually run out." By that it means, it won't last forever. If you feel like getting down on yourself for failures that appear to keep rising despite your efforts. I am telling you that those failures are making you stronger and if you went through these feelings and are reading this you are already strong for choosing to grow and see the learning point of any failure. With every failure there is a winner, you may not know it but the one who does not fight the tougher battle does not grow. It may appear that he i...