
Showing posts from July, 2019

Men In Black: International (Review)

Warning: this post contains movie spoilers. The movie was overall a great movie similar to the previous Men In Black films with enjoyable comedy, humor, and action! I recently had the chance to watch the movie this summer but after the movie ended. I felt like I had been left with a lot of questions or was unsure about certain relationships that had previously formed in the movie. In short, the movie could have had a better ending. At the climax of the movie in Paris, Agent H finds out his long time partner High T is the Hive he tries to call back his friend who is now fused with the Hive beast who is ready to rewrite MIB history and take over the world. It turned out that when Agent H and T fought the Hive many years ago they had actually lost and had their memories wiped.  It is this concept in the movie that I think should have been a bit more clarified in the ending through possible a flashback or High T/The Hive could have elaborated. A flashback scene where it shows wha...

Realizing the Importance of Time

Time waits for no one. The time we have in this world is limited. Each person is given a specific amount of time. This is similar to being given a million dollars every morning. However, the choice is up to us how we spend it. These concepts come into my mind when I think of all the reasons for why people choose to be productive or minimalist. The reality is that everyone wants to make the most of the time we have in this world or in this life in general. Lately, I've been reading the Seven Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey and I learned the importance of the impact we have on others. At the end of our lives, we want people to be talking about the good things we did in this life. We want to be remembered for the value we brought to people. This can be no further from the truth because who actually gets to keep the possessions they have in this life or any of the money, no one. Place your value in your happiness and building memorable relationships. Focus on you...

Learning an Instrument🎸

A huge achievement today! I started learning how to use an instrument using a combination of habitica guild and dailies. Hoping this continues on and I learn a song one day. This has been on my New Years Resolution List for a long time so this really means a lot to me! 2nd Day: I just finished learning the A-chord still perfecting the D-chord for my guitar. I noticed that my fingers hurt a lot when I hold down the frets for a long period of time. As a beginner, I believe this should be normal though. My current goal is to get at least the basic chords down. Spent some extra time practicing this morning on my D-chord. I said thanks to the people on my habitica guild that helped me get started on this musical journey. Only 2 more basic chords to learn! 5th Day: I made progress on my D and A chord over the past few days. However, I found myself finding it harder to keep my daily practice routine going. My fingers have started to adjust finally to pressing down on the guitar strings. I...

5 Things I Learned From Being Sick

A lot of people don't know this but becoming sick can actually teach you things. I used to just see my sickness as an inconvenience but after looking back on all the times I was sick I was able to analyze areas of my life that definitely needed improvements. Below I outlined 10 Discoveries I've made from being sick. Creativity:  I noticed that when I'm sick I come up with all kinds of ways to try and improve my health for a quick fix so that I can get back to work. It is also a great way to trace back your steps for reasons that could have possibly got you sick such as not bringing your umbrella on a rainy day, eating those expired chocolates, or yelling your voice out that it gave you a sore throat (this actually happened once). Prevention:  After identifying the reason, my mind easily shifted to how I could avoid getting sick for a future day because lets face it no one wants to get sick, at least no sane person. It can be something as simple as wearing a mouth mask ...

Value of the Present

Not many people understand how important the present time (right now) truly is. Majority of people are living in either the past or the future. If we focus on these areas, the question comes to mind "are we happy?" Happy with the person we are right now. Are you satisfied and content? Do you experience jealousy? I am someone who struggles a lot with jealousy and feeling unhappy and I can tell you now focusing on the wrong things can make you lose your self worth because your wasting your precious time and attention on someone else instead of yourself. Lately, I've been experimenting with these concepts and found myself much happier when I remember how blessed I am in the present moment. I meditate and center my mind and breathing with counts. I listen to the sounds in the room around me and focus my attention on what is most important which is everything that is happening right now. My mind has shifted to understanding how precious time truly is what is happening ri...

Learning to be Happy Alone

As a person who spends most of his time around many other people during the school year. I've started to realize that the summer is truly a time to self-reflect and understand ourselves better. Improve and relax right? I'm a different case. I realized that I have a hard time feeling comfortable and happy alone. I missed the thrill of constantly interacting with people and starting long conversations. However, the question comes back to mind: am I happy? The answer to this question is a big fat, NO! I learned that I couldn't be happy without entertaining myself with other people or social media so I did what I needed to do. Spend time with myself doing activities such as meditating, breathing, listening, and understanding myself and my innermost thoughts. In the beginning, it was very difficult I felt unproductive and found myself wasting a large amount of time on social media. My brother would constantly distract me with his loud playing youtube videos of popular gamers...

First Entry

Hey everyone, Welcome to my blog this is my first entry and I'm hoping to upload more stuff here during my journey of learning new things!