
What It Feels Like To Love Your Work

The best part about going to work is actually learning that you love showing up and for me it's been coming in with the mindset that I'm going to leave today learning something new or challenging myself in new ways to learn or master a new skill that correlates with the daily workflow. For me, I've been treating work similar to the gym: the moment I get in it's going to be difficult but my mind is open and I'm ready to learn. Of course, no gym time would be complete without those monotonous easy reps in between. I think thats the part people get stuck on when it comes to their jobs. They focus on only the monotonous portions of it and never really open up their horizons to the more enjoyable parts such as the people or activities that they're taking part in on a larger level. We tend to focus on the small scale but never really think about our work on the larger scale on how our work impacts others or at least some person somewhere in the world. Even if you ju...

Why Childhood Nostalgia Benefits Adulthood

A lot of people are so focused on the future. When I reach this age or get this job, I'm going to get this award or this position. However, we never really stop to realize how far we've come and how big of an impact the experiences we've had as a chid helped create the person we are today! I have recently found some creative aspects that have grown from watching childhood shows specifically Codename: Kids Next Door (KND). I just finished a couple drawings and created a podcast episode after rewatching many of the old episodes I found myself also staying calm from all the craziness going on in the world during these times of coronavirus and protests. I guess, I use it as an escape back to normalcy of simpler times when life was a lot easier to do things we enjoy. I remember turning on the TV after a long day of school just to relax or escape the fact that I had to do homework. What is the benefit in all of these childhood activities? To my surprise, I found that it works...

Social Media Is Draining

Just thought I'd share what I've been seeing lately. In a world where we constantly pick up our phones and search for a new rush. The rush has been nothing but dark and hopeless lately. I found myself deeply disappointed in the way the news looks like each day it seems. Nothing is new and nothing good. There's a saying that history likes to repeat itself and it couldn't be more than true in 2020. We find ourselves in a state of fear and pandemic. We stay at home wear masks which are things that surprisingly have happened in the past. Everything is closed and buildings are getting destroyed as if they no longer existed. I mean, is this new, everything was once dust, dirt, and nothing at one point so why not devolve and return it to that I guess. Want to know something new? There's protests and riots going on in 2020 and even better the protests are on racism. New? I should say more like old. There's nothing new about this, I mean pick up any history book you had ...

Cartoons help with Drawing As A Passion

Lately, I've been looking for inspiration. I'm very much new to drawing once again since I'm older and am looking for new ways to utilize my iPad. I recently have also been scrolling through drawings from Google and Tumblr and have found myself inspired to create my own art. I found it fascinating how people can take such simple ideas and turn them into something amazing. Combination art has specifically fascinated me. It is where people take concept art from two different worlds or styles of drawings and mix them together. I wanted to capitalize on this idea in my own way so I took on the challenge of creating one piece of art every day. I want to challenge myself and my ability to focus to create something amazing to look back on. I gave up on art when I was a kid because I felt so limited honestly. I didn't believe that I could draw things since my sister was the one who won all the art contests but with the advancement of technology in the world today. I realized ...

Can’t Focus

I feel like I’m in a bit of a rut today with the amount of work that still needs to be done and dead lines fast approaching. I feel like I’ve tried everything from switching rooms, walking, and changing devices. It just looks like my dopamine levels for doing actual productive work has dropped immensely. On the inside, I know that there is an easier way to take on harder tasks but I just can’t get myself to focus long enough for these thoughts to continue. I’m going to settle the rest of the day off by doing the 1% rule from here on out because things just feel so futile right now. Since its summer, finding the motivation to get out of bed and actually start on a big project has been very challenging. I would much rather sit around all day and watch Youtube or cartoons. I found that during the school year I had a stronger motivation to work hard because I was always surrounded by things that pushed me to excel. Majority of my time wasn't spent in my own room, I had a very academi...

Ignorance Is Bliss

Personally, I see myself as someone who takes on a lot more than he can chew. This stemmed from having such an active highscool and college career being involved in multiple organizations and always trying my best in everything at school. All of this seemed to have an effect on me as I grew. The problem was that I could not control where my focus is going. My mind always kept wandering towards novelty to solve its problems or learning a new skill. In quarantine, this has become even more challenging. I realized the news has been nothing but negative these days with talks of riots and COVID-19. It can feel easy to just let our minds wander and get lost in an endless rabbit hole of information. However, I realized that things needed to change. I wanted to narrow my vision so I can focus on one specific task for an extended period of time. This is a skill that is more important now than ever with the increasing number of distractions growing in the world today. So your probably wonderin...

The 100 Video Rule

Recently, I created a Youtube channel for Animal Crossing videos called "Energetic Kendrick." The only problem is that I'm not seeing much growth in the channel and I'm considering it as nothing more than a hobby. However, a view that has always reminded me not to give up is the "100 Video Rule." The way it works is to publish at least 100 videos on a specific area and constantly improve with each video in every way. This includes improving editing, animations, audio, and your overall channel and video appearance; basically constantly experimenting with new ways with your Youtube channel. I grew very fearful of this idea because I'm used to seeing some form of growth with each step of my craft. The only problem is that my only validation has been coming from my friends who actually have been enjoying the videos I upload and would let me know. The channel currently only has 3 subscribers but I won't look at this as something negative but instead as an...

Drawing in 2020

As a 90s child, I remember growing up writing with the old fashioned pencil and paper. I used the line paper that we were given at school and became even more excited when I had the chance to try my hand on xerox paper. I used to pretend I was comic book writer and would write dozens of made up comics of the character Sonic. Some comics were colored using red pink while many weren't. Needless to say, I had my fair share of drawing as a kid and even had the privilege of selling one of my drawings of Sonic surprisingly. In 2020, drawing has changed so much from what I remembered. I use an iPad Pro for school to take notes on slides and edit photos but my roommates and a friend I made on Twitter convinced me to try out the app Procreate. Lately, I've been astounded with the art that this app can create and all of the many things children of this time are creating with it. If you use the app, Tiktok you would know just how creative people have become with this app by using their ...